END - Energy & Data

by END Energy & Data



The END app aims to bring expert and non-expert users closer to theenergy sector, through data. This free platform ofopen access allows you to explore quickly, throughadvanced visualizations the main historical and current dataof the Mexican electricity sector.The App is made up of the following sections:1. News from the electricity sector: Keep up to date with the maininformative and regulatory publications.2. Educational Content: Know the main concepts of theWholesale Electricity Market and the electricity sector.3. Consultation of Indicators of the Electricity Sector 3.1 Energy prices: Check the Local Marginal Price and its components by Management, Zone or Node. 3.2 Generation and emissions: Know the generation of Mexico by technology and its associated emissions.4. Check your Savings: Focused on offering solutions for theimprovement of consumption to our industrial users.END offers you the functionalities of sharing the graphics anddownload the data so that you can make use of it outside theapp. Knowing about electricity has never been easier!